MPEWU Credit Finance recognizes that proper management of micro-businesses by its clients is paramount in two ways:
- It catalyses incomes generation among the poor through efficiency and good practice; and
- It improves the client’s ability to manage their credit and other business obligations.
To this regard MPEWU Credit Finance has been using its groups as training and advisory points.
Kinds of trainings offered by MPEWU Credit Finance
- a. Pre-disbursement trainings – Local and Opinion community leaders are a great yardstick to our mobilisation, these act as contact people on community entrance and help in mobilising communities together for a pre-disbursement training these trainings mostly emphasize understanding of the different Business ideas, Simple book keeping, Budgeting, loan terms, group formation and dynamics, leadership skills, financial discipline, loan tracking, basic business planning skills and different entrepreneur skills.discipline, loan tracking and basic business planning skills.
- Post-disbursement trainings – These are follow-up business skills trainings that further support the poor to articulate business issues and further exploit the business potentials around them. These are carried out through the weekly engagements and different themes are handled on different weeks, such themes include;
(i) Business planning
(ii) Marketing
(iii) Customer care
(iv) Record keeping
(v) Resource mapping and mobilization
(vi) Networking
(vii) Basic accounting
(viii) Budgeting
(ix) Group Management / Group dynamics
(x) entrepreneurial skills development