Community Fund Limited is registered company by URSB under the Ministry of Justice in Uganda. It runs as a tier 4 microfinance Institution in Uganda and is regulated by the Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority under Ministry of Microfinance.

Community Fund has grown to become one of the Rural based microfinance in Uganda, providing financial access in hard to reach areas especially to the rural poor people.  We are currently working in four districts including Kiboga, Kampala, Wakiso and Kyankwanzi .  Although CF-MF is still small; it aspires to grow into a MDI: deposit taking Institution.

community fund staff

Our Vision

Reduce poverty among poor groups of people.

Our Mission

To increase, diversify incomes and build assets through small financial support services among poor communities by supporting innovations that led to poverty reduction.

Our Core Values

The values below influence our operation in order to drive our mission;

  1. Honesty and Transparency
  2. Inclusiveness
  3. Empathy
  4. Technology and Innovation
  5. Professionalism